Creative Director + Copywriter +
Content Strategist + Consultant

It’s rare to find such versatility in a writer. Sara has the voice, the skill and the strategic acumen to represent brands at the highest echelon.
— Brendan McKenna, SVP, Executive Creative Director at Publicis Groupe

My proficiency as a Creative Director and Content Strategist is built on my extensive experience as a Copywriter. This perspective keeps my purpose in focus:

Engage and drive action with storytelling, simplify the complex, and make it clear why someone should care.

I’ve helped some of the biggest brands in the banking, insurance, tech, telecom, transportation, CPG, retail, and non-profit industries exceed their goals, while winning some awards along the way.

How can I help your business?

Featured Project

Award-winning small business customer acquisition campaign that performed over 150% of goal.

I’ve had the privilege of working with some world-class companies:

I look forward to working with you!